Lakeside Birth Center
2722 214th Ave E.
Lake Tapps, WA 98391
(253) 973-5604 Cell
(253) 862-6533 Home
(253) 862-1840 Fax
irth is an awesome, miraculous event that creates and extends a family and brings joy and happiness to everyone. Increasingly, childbearing families are seeking the safe and secure environment of a home setting for this wonderful experience. In your home or at Lakeside Birth Center, childbirth is a personal event that can be shared with family and friends with greater freedom of movement, creativity and the opportunity to give birth a specialness that reflects your feelings and desires.
Click the link below to see some special video moments.
>> Greetings from Nancy Spencer, Licensed Midwife <<
A midwife's expertise is healthy pregnancy and birth. A midwife-attended home birth gives a safe, supportive environment for your labor and delivery, and allows immediate and sustained contact between parents and newborn. Siblings, grandparents and extended family and friends are welcomed. You are encouraged to take every opportunity to plan the details for this important event so that your birth at home is one of the most meaningful and serene experiences in your life.
At Lakeside Birth Center, couples may also choose to deliver their precious babies in our fully-licensed birth center on beautiful Lake Tapps in Sumner, Wash. The State of Washington Department of Health and the Department of Social and Health Services have each licensed Lakeside Birth Center.
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Featured Birth Story
Hannah Kralik
Born: November 2004
Weight: 7 lbs., 12 oz
When I found out I was pregnant with my son I secretly wanted to deliver him with a midwife somewhere other than in a hospital. However, my fear of the unknown came over me wand we decided on the traditional OB/hospital route. I think we were more exhausted from the 24 hours following the birth than we were from the actual labor and delivery!
When we found out we were expecting #2 we started heading down the same path. I knew what I really wanted was to have a peaceful, natural delivery. So at 28 weeks I went to visit Nancy.
>> More about Hannah...
Other Birth Stories
>> All of our beautiful babies
News From Home
Twice a year, I publish a newsletter full of wonderful birth stories and pictures of babies and parents I have had the honor to care for. The newsletter, "News From Home," also contains the vital statistics of all the beautiful babies I have helped come into the world since the last newsletter. And in addition, I include a large resource of useful tidbits and information for parents.
You can read some of our most recent newsletters here. If you’d like to receive your own copy of “News From Home,” please email or call me so you can be included on my mailing list. Read Our Newsletters